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Absolute P11d Online Filing Errors
Absolute Tax Online Filing Errors SA100, SA800, SA900
Absolute Tax Online Filing Errors CT600
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Absolute Tax CT600
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Absolute Payroll Online Filing Errors
Absolute P11d
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Articles tagged with p11d
5012 - Employer Name - This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier.
6010 - Expenses and benefits - Submission must contain at least one form.
6010 Asset Your submission is not in the correct format.
7000 - You are not enrolled to submit END of Year Returns under this reference.
7655 - Fuel Type - Must be present if car registered on or after '01/01/98'.
7860 - AvailFrom - Must be during the current tax year.
7979 - Cars - Must be present if CO2 emissions are within the range 1-50 (inclusive) g/km
Employee with 3 cars.
Filing nil p11ds online.